Installing StealthMiner firmware with Hashcore toolkit
The StealthMiner uses a whitelabel Vnish as base firmware. You can install a firmware of your choice as well, but I recommend this firmware as the best performing at the stock 12.2V of the APW3++ power supply used in the build.
This firmware also includes the ability to individually tune chips and allows for much more fine tuning if you have a few slow/bad chips. None of the other firmware options have this capability.
The hashcore toolkit was launched just a short couple of months ago and now gives us all the ability to install Vnish variants directly to NAND remotely! This is a welcome addition as we can now bypass SDs that like to fail.
You can find a full guide to use the toolkit, so I won't spend great deal here of explanation here other than the specifics that apply in loading the StealthMiner firmware.
If you haven't yet navigated the Vnish firmware, here is a quick guide around the UI.
You are here to learn how to install the firmware
1. Once the toolkit has been configured for your IP range, it will pick up all the miners on your network
2. Find the miner in the list that you identified for firmware installation and click the 3 dot menu to the right for actions.
3. Choose: Firmware > Install firmware
4. Here comes the tricky part as we need to point the toolkit to the directory containing the firmware file to be installed and match naming convention in the installer fields.
5. You can see the naming conventions within the name and download appropratie file required for your model miner, control board, and installation methods.
- Firmware Name
- Miner Series
- Control Board installed
- Installation target
- Firmware Version
- Installation type
Note, you DO NOT uncompress the file. Leave it as a *.tar.gz format.
6. After selecting the directory our fw file resides in, we can fill in the Firmware Version and Firmware name to point the toolkit at the correct file to be installed.
- We are installing to NAND (directly to the board).
- I also choose the “Miner Model” to ensure no issues with detecting.
7. Accept the confirmation dialog to execute install.
8. You will observe the operation status in the top right hand corner of the toolkit.
9. And receive success or error message in the bottom center of the toolkit.
10. Be patient for restarts, but after a successful install, the miner will reboot and reappear in the list with updated firmware and you should now be able to log into the miner IP address and admin your newly installed firmware.
Firmware Downloads
- marshallstealth-s19-xil-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19-126-aml-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19jpro-bb-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19jpro-aml-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19jpro-xil-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19jpro-plus-aml-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19jpro-plus-bb-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19kpro-aml-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz
- marshallstealth-s19pro-xil-nand-v1.2.6-rc2-install.tar.gz